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A biomechanical solution to the planet's critical problems.

Using algae, Airbuild aims to remove billions of CO₂ from the air while filtering trillions of gallons of water to restore planetary health.


Energy Generation

Carbon Removal

Water Filtration

With the all-in-one Airbuild panel, 100,000 sqft of space can be turned into the carbon sink equivalent of 40,000 trees.

Real-time data reporting of your carbon offset initiatives

Airbuild integrates IoT to track, monitor, and report the key metrics needed to tell the story of your sustainability impact to your customers, employees, and shareholders. 

Placing decentralized natural carbon sequestration in areas that need it most.

As of 2021, 23% of ghg emissions are produced in the industrial sector.

Our Partners

Our Partners

Built Environment

Biopanels on buildings - Harnessing nature for direct air carbon sequestration, water filtration, and energy generation.

Gigaton Scale

Large scale bio-mechanical direct air capture facilities powered by algae with a viable path to reduce the cost of DAC to > $50 per ton

Our Partners

In the Press

In the Press

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